
Maximum visibility for your property. Better channels. Better prices. Better guests.

Exposure aka bookings by EnjoyApartments

Reach to channels you would not reach. We make sure to place your apartment(s) in the best channels and get you quality bookings. Diversify to cover risks. What if airbnb decides to pull your listing or changes a policy? What if fines you for an overbooking or blocks your calendars? Do not depend fully on large channels. Make sure you have a broad distribution. We are experts in this field and can offer you what you need.

What is it?

EnjoyApartments EXPOSURE

We publish your apartment on EnjoyApartments and – if you want – on 30+ channels, ranging from big platforms such as Airbnb, Booking or Vrbo to more niche channels which target a specific public. In those niche channels we like to include our own website EnjoyApartments Book but also Plumguide or Homes & Villas by Marriott International form part of our commercial network.
No exclusivity required. Use when you need.

How does it work?

Owners, property managers and property management companies

Whether you just want to collaborate and need a small help, or you are an owners or property manager that wants to get more exposure whilst keeping control. Our EXPOSURE service is suitable for anyone who wants to spread risk and get more and better bookings. The more you use EnjoyApartments, the less you have to do yourself.

How does the payment work?

You will get payout 24-48 hours after the guest check-in (unless you prefer to stack bookings and get paid periodically).
(you will be redirected to our contact form and we will be in touch ASAP)

Our Collaboration Models in Detail


More exposure for your property
10% +vat (start prices)
  • Bookings EnjoyApartments
  • Bookings popular and niche channels (Airbnb, Booking, VRBO, Marriott Homes&Villas, etc +30)
  • Revenue Management

What does the Exposure Service include?

Enjoy Bookings

Channel Bookings

Revenue Management


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